Debate Questions – Tuesday Edition

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012 is the first Presidential debate of the 2012 campaign.  This first debate is one regarding domestic policy. The announced topics will be the economy, health care, the role of government, and governing.

Will they be worthwhile topics to explore each candidate’s philosophies or will they be so obscure as to leave both candidates enough wiggle room to answer however they choose based on the most recent opinion polling?  Will we really get a significant debate or just more rehearsed lines?  Will the moderator ask tough questions or toss softballs?

So in honor of this, let’s take a look at ten questions that I would like to see asked at the debate.  There are in no particular order.

1. Both of you claim to have the answer in terms of job creation within the economy.  What is the role of government in terms of job creation?  Where in the U S Constitution is that role specified?

2.  Explain in detail how you will eliminate first the deficit and then pay down the national debt.  What programs will need to be cut, what departments will be shut down, and what austerity measures do you think we need to take as a nation in order to avoid following down the path of Greece, Spain, and all of the other nearly-failing states?

3.  What is your understanding of the role of government?  What are the most crucial things that government does for the citizens?

4.  Explain how you think deficit spending helps or hurts the economy?  Is deficit spending necessary to “prime the pump” or is it a form of taxation that drains the energy from the economy at large?

5.  How do you propose to fund the hundreds of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that previous administrations have incurred by massively increasing social welfare programs?  Can they be funded or do we need to seriously curtail these programs in order to save the Republic from bankruptcy?

6.  What is the role of government in healthcare?  Can you cite in the Constitution where that role is indicated?  With the rapid growth of healthcare costs in the last few decades, explain how your administration would lower costs within Constitutional limits.

7.  Explain your personal beliefs of where the rights codified in the Bill of Rights originate.  Do you believe that they are absolute or not?  What modifications would you personally like to make?

8.  When you speak about job creation, each of you promises lofty job growth numbers that seem impossible given the current economic climate.  Explain what the typical job your plan would help generate would be.  Would it be a temporary job, such as road construction, or a permanent job such as inside a machine shop?

9.  Tell me who is a good leader in your mind.  Why?  Which of their characteristics do you want to emulate when governing?

10.  Do you agree with the following statement. Why or why not? “To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, “the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.’” (Thomas Jefferson)

Dominion belongs to the Lord
    and he rules over the nations.

Psalm 22:28

What questions do you want answered?


Governor Romney, in a video secretly captured during a moment during a fundraiser back in May, spoke something that has enlivened the week politically.  He dared mention how people benefiting from government largesse are more prone to elect politicians who promise to increase their particular take.

How brazen!

How shocking!

How dare he state something so true?!?

My preschooler understands that if he acts like we want him to he will be rewarded with special food, privileges, et cetera.  If I want a citizen to vote for me ad nauseum, why not give him something for nothing, and then threaten him constantly of taking it away.  What an amazing leash to control someone by in order to ensure that his votes keep coming in my favor.

What the citizen fails to recognize though is that the chain has already been placed around him and the shackles are bolted on.  He has been convinced, without need of firing a shot or committing violence that he is subservient and incapable of life without that politician’s continuance of his means of livelihood.  This is the fundamental essence of the welfare state.  This “benefit” is the crushing boot of tyranny, of slavery, of oppression.

Now how can it be oppression if it is for the downtrodden and unfortunate?  Have you no heart?

I am more concerned for the long term survival of my country and our innate freedoms and liberties, however temporal they may be when measured against eternity.

The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought.

Samuel Adams

While the chains of bondage in this case are meant to be benevolent, they are anything but as they further dependency.  This isn’t about being your brother’s keeper, or helping widows and orphans.  This is about destroying the ability to live joyfully.  This benevolence replaces God as the bearer of all of your needs and supplants Him with government and politicians.

The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave…

Samuel Adams

If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.

Thomas Jefferson

So how was Mitt Romney wrong in any way?

He spoke the truth.  A large portion of this country’s populace is dependent on the government.  This portion also tends to vote in what it has been conditioned is it’s own self-interests rather than the country’s as a whole.  This is not how this country was designed to function. If things continue as they are and then accelerate with Obamacare being fully implemented, the republic will fall.

What happens when the 53% of taxpayers who don’t ask anything of the government other than equal protection under the law and defense of hearth and home decide to stop playing the game and elect liberty or death over tyranny, over the chains of servitude, over the slavery of government benevolence?

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Patrick Henry

Slavery once was defended as a benevolent institution that kept them fed, clothed, and occupied (Source).  How is the modern entitlement state any different?  If you support such institutions, recognize that you are supporting slavery of the soul and spirit.

What Governor Romney was implying was that it is up to the remainder of us, the 53%, to stand up for our fellow citizens, to point to their chains and their shackles and say “ENOUGH.”  In this way, we will be our brother’s keeper to free them from the curse of liberal progressive bondage.

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