DEBUNKED! God won’t Give Us More Than We Can Handle

Fantastic… just fantastic.

Reality Of Christ


I once knew a women who maneuvered her way through a very difficult situation. Her husband divorced her and left her for another woman. Sadly, he left behind four children, and the young woman was left to tend to them alone. She was a stay at home mom prior to her husbands betrayal, which meant she didn’t have a job or the money to care for her family. She then proceeded into the workforce to find a job, however, in the process she tragically injured her back. She was left with no husband, no job, no money, and excruciating back pain. The pain became so dreadful that there were times she could not walk, let alone take care of her family.

This sweet woman was a dear friend of mine, and I remember coming over to her house on many occasions because she could not physically do things on her…

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